Microsoft Excel

Class Lectures & Examples

September 17, 2019

September 12, 2019

August 27, 2019

August 22, 2019

August 15, 2019

August 13, 2019

August 8, 2019

Class noted for material after final.

Link to File.



August 6, 2019

Tuesday July 23, 2019

Thursday July 18, 2019

Midterm Review


Summary of all the functions shown in class so far are below.

FunctionDefinitionNumber of ArgumentsArgument DescriptionExample
=SUMAdds cells1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =SUM(A3:A20)
=AVERAGEAdds cells and divide by the number of cells; computes average1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =AVERAGE(A3:A20)
=MAXFinds the maximum value in a range1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =MAX(A3:A20)
=MINFinds the minimum value in a range1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =MIN(A3:A20)
=COUNTCount the numbers in a range1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =COUNT(A3:A20)
=COUNTACounts cells that are not empty; counts cells with any value inside of them1range (list or table), cells or numberse.g. =COUNTA(A3:A20)
=COUNTIFCounts cells that meet a criteria (condition)2Part 1=Range; Part2 = Condition (criteria)e.g. COUNTIF(A3:A20,”M”)
=COUNTIFSCounts cells that meet multiple conditions4Part 1 = Range 1; Part 2= Condition 1; Part 3 = Range 2; Part 4= Condition 2, etce.g. COUNTIFS(A3:A20,100,B3:B20,”<10″)
=IFPerforms a calculation if a conditional statement is true3Part1 = logical test (Conditional Statement); Part 2 = Calculation if the statement is true; Part 3 = Calculation if the statement is false.e.g. =IF(5=4,”TRUE”,”FALSE”)

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Tuesday July 9, 2019

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Excel Function: a predefined formula in excel that performs a calculation.


Begin writing an excel formula with the equal symbol (=). This is a reserved character that lets the program know that you will be writing a function. 



The count functions in excel are statistical functions that count specific information in a table.


1. =COUNT (list or cells)

This function will count the numbers in a list.


2. =COUNTA (list or cells)

This function counts non-empty cells.


3. =COUNTIF(list, criteria)

This function will count cells that meet a condition.


Each item in an excel document is refereed to as a cell.


Each Row in excel is named using numbers.


Each Column is names using letters.


Each cell has a unique name and is named by the column number followed by the row number: e.g. A4, E43, etc.